$signe = array();
if ($lg == "fr")
$signe[1] = "Bélier";
$signe[2] = "Taureau";
$signe[3] = "Gémeaux";
$signe[4] = "Cancer";
$signe[5] = "Lion";
$signe[6] = "Vierge";
$signe[7] = "Balance";
$signe[8] = "Scorpion";
$signe[9] = "Sagittaire";
$signe[10] = "Capricone";
$signe[11] = "Verseau";
$signe[12] = "Poisson";
else if ($lg == "en")
$signe[1] = "Aries";
$signe[2] = "Taurus";
$signe[3] = "Gemini";
$signe[4] = "Cancer";
$signe[5] = "Leo";
$signe[6] = "Virgo";
$signe[7] = "Libra";
$signe[8] = "Scorpio";
$signe[9] = "Sagittarius";
$signe[10] = "Capricorn";
$signe[11] = "Aquarius";
$signe[12] = "Pisces";
else if ($lg == "es")
$signe[1] = "Aries";
$signe[2] = "Tauro";
$signe[3] = "Géminis";
$signe[4] = "Cáncer";
$signe[5] = "Leo";
$signe[6] = "Virgo";
$signe[7] = "Libra";
$signe[8] = "Escorpio";
$signe[9] = "Sagitario";
$signe[10] = "Capricornio";
$signe[11] = "Acuario";
$signe[12] = "Piscis";
$days = array();
$days[1] = 31;
$days[2] = 29;
$days[3] = 31;
$days[4] = 30;
$days[5] = 31;
$days[6] = 30;
$days[7] = 31;
$days[8] = 31;
$days[9] = 30;
$days[10] = 31;
$days[11] = 30;
$days[12] = 31;
$total_days = array();
$total_days[1] = 1;
$total_days[2] = 32;
$total_days[3] = 61;
$total_days[4] = 92;
$total_days[5] = 122;
$total_days[6] = 153;
$total_days[7] = 183;
$total_days[8] = 214;
$total_days[9] = 245;
$total_days[10] = 275;
$total_days[11] = 306;
$total_days[12] = 336;
$signe_day = array();
$signe_month[1] = 3;
$signe_month[2] = 4;
$signe_month[3] = 5;
$signe_month[4] = 6;
$signe_month[5] = 7;
$signe_month[6] = 8;
$signe_month[7] = 9;
$signe_month[8] = 10;
$signe_month[9] = 11;
$signe_month[10] = 12;
$signe_month[11] = 1;
$signe_month[12] = 2;
$signe_day[1] = 21;
$signe_day[2] = 21;
$signe_day[3] = 21;
$signe_day[4] = 22;
$signe_day[5] = 23;
$signe_day[6] = 23;
$signe_day[7] = 23;
$signe_day[8] = 23;
$signe_day[9] = 22;
$signe_day[10] = 21;
$signe_day[11] = 20;
$signe_day[12] = 19;
$signe_len = array();
$signe_len[1] = 31;
$signe_len[2] = 30;
$signe_len[3] = 32;
$signe_len[4] = 31;
$signe_len[5] = 31;
$signe_len[6] = 31;
$signe_len[7] = 30;
$signe_len[8] = 30;
$signe_len[9] = 29;
$signe_len[10] = 30;
$signe_len[11] = 30;
$signe_len[12] = 31;
$signe_start = array();
for ($i = 1; $i <= 12; $i++)
$signe_start[$i] = $total_days[$signe_month[$i]] + $signe_day[$i];
function GetLetterScore($rel, $let)
global $LOVE, $FRIEND, $WORK, $lg;
$let = strtoupper($let);
if ($rel == $LOVE)
if ($lg == "fr")
if ($let =='A') return 3;
if ($let =='M') return 4;
if ($let =='O') return 2;
if ($let =='U') return 4;
if ($let =='R') return 3;
if ($let =='X') return 5;
return 0;
else if ($lg == "en")
if ($let =='L') return 3;
if ($let =='O') return 2;
if ($let =='V') return 3;
if ($let =='E') return 1;
if ($let =='Y') return 3;
if ($let =='U') return 4;
return 0;
else if ($lg == "es")
if ($let =='A') return 3;
if ($let =='M') return 4;
if ($let =='O') return 2;
if ($let =='R') return 4;
if ($let =='E') return 3;
if ($let =='Q') return 5;
return 0;
if ($rel == $FRIEND)
if ($lg == "fr")
if ($let =='A') return 3;
if ($let =='M') return 2;
if ($let =='I') return 3;
if ($let =='T') return 4;
if ($let =='E') return 4;
return 0;
else if ($lg == "en")
if ($let =='F') return 4;
if ($let =='R') return 2;
if ($let =='I') return 2;
if ($let =='E') return 1;
if ($let =='N') return 3;
if ($let =='D') return 4;
return 0;
else if ($lg == "es")
if ($let =='A') return 4;
if ($let =='M') return 2;
if ($let =='I') return 2;
if ($let =='S') return 1;
if ($let =='T') return 3;
if ($let =='D') return 4;
return 0;
if ($rel == $WORK)
if ($lg == "fr")
if ($let =='T') return 2;
if ($let =='R') return 2;
if ($let =='A') return 1;
if ($let =='V') return 4;
//if ($let =='A') return 2;
if ($let =='I') return 2;
if ($let =='L') return 3;
return 0;
else if ($lg == "en")
if ($let =='W') return 4;
if ($let =='O') return 2;
if ($let =='R') return 4;
if ($let =='K') return 4;
if ($let =='E') return 2;
return 0;
else if ($lg == "es")
if ($let =='T') return 2;
if ($let =='R') return 2;
if ($let =='A') return 1;
if ($let =='B') return 4;
//if ($let =='A') return 2;
if ($let =='J') return 2;
if ($let =='O') return 3;
return 0;
function GetMatch($rel, $p1, $p2)
global $LOVE, $FRIEND, $WORK;
$p1 = strtolower($p1);
$p2 = strtolower($p2);
$p1 = str_replace(" ", "", $p1);
$p2 = str_replace(" ", "", $p2);
if (strlen($p1) == 0 || strlen($p2) == 0)
return 0;
if ((strstr($p1, "xavier") !== FALSE && strstr($p2, "tatiana") !== FALSE) ||
(strstr($p1, "tatiana") !== FALSE && strstr($p2, "xavier") !== FALSE))
if ($rel == $LOVE)
return 19;
if ($rel == $FRIEND)
return 83;
if ($rel == $WORK)
return 55;
if (($p1 == "david" && $p2 == "diana") || ($p1 == "diana" && $p2 == "david") ||
($p1 == "papazian" && $p2 == "atlan") || ($p1 == "atlan" && $p2 == "papazian"))
if ($rel == $LOVE)
return 99;
if ($rel == $FRIEND)
return 83;
if ($rel == $WORK)
return 87;
if (($p1 == "davidpapazian" && $p2 == "dianaatlan") || ($p1 == "dianaatlan" && $p2 == "davidpapazian") ||
($p1 == "papaziandavid" && $p2 == "atlandiana") || ($p1 == "altandiana" && $p2 == "papaziandavid") ||
($p1 == "david" && $p2 == "atlandiana") || ($p1 == "altandiana" && $p2 == "david") ||
($p1 == "papaziandavid" && $p2 == "diana") || ($p1 == "diana" && $p2 == "papaziandavid") ||
($p1 == "david" && $p2 == "dianaatlan") || ($p1 == "dianaatlan" && $p2 == "david") ||
($p1 == "davidpapazian" && $p2 == "diana") || ($p1 == "diana" && $p2 == "davidpapazian"))
if ($rel == $LOVE)
return 100;
if ($rel == $FRIEND)
return 89;
if ($rel == $WORK)
return 94;
$len1 = strlen($p1);
$len2 = strlen($p2);
for ($i=0; $i < $len1; $i++)
$loveCount += GetLetterScore($rel, $p1[$i]);
for ($i=0; $i < $len2; $i++)
$loveCount += GetLetterScore($rel, $p2[$i]);
if ($loveCount> 0) $amount= 5-(($len1+$len2)/2);
if ($loveCount> 2) $amount= 10-(($len1+$len2)/2);
if ($loveCount> 4) $amount= 20-(($len1+$len2)/2);
if ($loveCount> 6) $amount= 30-(($len1+$len2)/2);
if ($loveCount> 8) $amount= 40-(($len1+$len2)/2);
if ($loveCount>10) $amount= 50-(($len1+$len2)/2);
if ($loveCount>12) $amount= 60-(($len1+$len2)/2);
if ($loveCount>14) $amount= 70-(($len1+$len2)/2);
if ($loveCount>16) $amount= 80-(($len1+$len2)/2);
if ($loveCount>18) $amount= 90-(($len1+$len2)/2);
if ($loveCount>20) $amount=100-(($len1+$len2)/2);
if ($loveCount>22) $amount=110-(($len1+$len2)/2);
if ($amount < 0) $amount= 0;
if ($amount >100) $amount=100;
return intval($amount);
function GetRelation($rel, $d1, $m1, $d2, $m2)
global $LOVE, $FRIEND, $WORK, $relation, $signe_day, $signe_len, $signe_month, $total_days, $signe_start;
if (($d1 == 11 && $m1 == 9 && $d2 == 22 && $m2 == 8) || ($d1 == 22 && $m1 == 8 && $d2 == 11 && $m2 == 9))
if ($rel == $LOVE)
return 300;
if ($rel == $FRIEND)
return 280;
return 288;
$s1 = GetSigne($d1, $m1);
$s2 = GetSigne($d2, $m2);
$td1 = $total_days[$m1] + $d1; // total days to d1 m1
$td2 = $total_days[$m2] + $d2;
$diff1 = $td1 - ($signe_start[$s1] + intval($signe_len[$s1] / 2));
$diff2 = $td2 - ($signe_start[$s2] + intval($signe_len[$s2] / 2));
if ($diff1 < -100)
$diff1 = ($diff1 + 366) % 366;
if ($diff2 < -100)
$diff2 = ($diff2 + 366) % 366;
if ($diff1 > 0)
// average with next sign
$p1 = intval(100 * ($signe_len[$s1] / 2 - $diff1) / ($signe_len[$s1] / 2));
$s12 = $s1 % 12 + 1;
else if ($diff1 < 0)
// average with previous sign
$p1 = intval(100 * ($signe_len[$s1] / 2 + $diff1) / ($signe_len[$s1] / 2));
$s12 = $s1 - 1;
if ($s12 == 0)
$s12 = 12;
$p1 = 100;
$s12 = $s1;
if ($diff2 > 0)
// average with next sign
$p2 = intval(100 * ($signe_len[$s2] / 2 - $diff2) / ($signe_len[$s2] / 2));
$s22 = $s2 % 12 + 1;
else if ($diff2 < 0)
// average with previous sign
$p2 = intval(100 * ($signe_len[$s2] / 2 + $diff2) / ($signe_len[$s2] / 2));
$s22 = $s2 - 1;
if ($s22 == 0)
$s22 = 12;
$p2 = 100;
$s22 = $s2;
$r1 = Relation($rel, $s1, $s2);
$r2 = Relation($rel, $s12, $s2);
$r3 = Relation($rel, $s1, $s22);
//$r4 = Relation($rel, $s12, $s22);
return ($r1 * ($p1) / 100 +
$r2 * (100 - $p1) / 100 +
$r3 * (100 - $p2) / 100 +
$r1 * ($p2) / 100) / 2;
function Relation($rel, $s1, $s2)
global $relation;
if ($s1 > $s2)
return $relation[$rel][$s2][$s1];
return $relation[$rel][$s1][$s2];
function GetSigne($d, $m)
switch ($m)
case 3 : // mars
if ($d >= 21)
return 1; // Bélier
return 12; // Poisson
case 4 : // avril
if ($d >= 21)
return 2; // Taureau
return 1; // Bélier
case 5 : // mai
if ($d >= 21)
return 3; // Gemeaux
return 2; // Taureau
case 6 :
if ($d >= 22)
return 4; // Cancer
return 3; // Gemaux
case 7 :
if ($d >= 23)
return 5; // Lion
return 4; // Cancer
case 8 :
if ($d >= 23)
return 6; // Vierge
return 5; // Lion
case 9 :
if ($d >= 23)
return 7; // Balance
return 6; // Vierge
case 10 :
if ($d >= 23)
return 8; // Scorpion
return 7; // Balance
case 11 :
if ($d >= 22)
return 9; // Sagittaire
return 8; // Scorpion
case 12 :
if ($d >= 21)
return 10; // Capricorne
return 9; // Sagittaire
case 1 :
if ($d >= 20)
return 11; // Verseau
return 10; // Capricorne
case 2 :
if ($d >= 19)
return 12; // Poisson
return 11; // Verseau
$month = array();
if ($lg == "fr")
$month[1] = 'Janvier';
$month[2] = 'Février';
$month[3] = 'Mars';
$month[4] = 'Avril';
$month[5] = 'Mai';
$month[6] = 'Juin';
$month[7] = 'Juillet';
$month[8] = 'Août';
$month[9] = 'Septembre';
$month[10] = 'Octobre';
$month[11] = 'Novembre';
$month[12] = 'Décembre';
else if ($lg == "en")
$month[1] = 'January';
$month[2] = 'February';
$month[3] = 'March';
$month[4] = 'April';
$month[5] = 'May';
$month[6] = 'June';
$month[7] = 'July';
$month[8] = 'August';
$month[9] = 'September';
$month[10] = 'October';
$month[11] = 'November';
$month[12] = 'December';
else if ($lg == "es")
$month[1] = 'Enero';
$month[2] = 'Febrero';
$month[3] = 'Marzo';
$month[4] = 'Abril';
$month[5] = 'Mayo';
$month[6] = 'Junio';
$month[7] = 'Julio';
$month[8] = 'Agosta';
$month[9] = 'Septiembre';
$month[10] = 'Octubre';
$month[11] = 'Noviembre';
$month[12] = 'Diciembre';
$relation = array();
$LOVE = 0;
$FRIEND = 1;
$WORK = 2;
$relation[$LOVE][1][1] = 275; // BELIER
$relation[$LOVE][1][2] = 150;
$relation[$LOVE][1][3] = 270;
$relation[$LOVE][1][4] = 120;
$relation[$LOVE][1][5] = 280;
$relation[$LOVE][1][6] = 80;
$relation[$LOVE][1][7] = 280;
$relation[$LOVE][1][8] = 80;
$relation[$LOVE][1][9] = 265;
$relation[$LOVE][1][10] = 40;
$relation[$LOVE][1][11] = 220;
$relation[$LOVE][1][12] = 60;
$relation[$LOVE][2][2] = 190; // TAUREAU
$relation[$LOVE][2][3] = 109;
$relation[$LOVE][2][4] = 282;
$relation[$LOVE][2][5] = 133;
$relation[$LOVE][2][6] = 260;
$relation[$LOVE][2][7] = 70;
$relation[$LOVE][2][8] = 260;
$relation[$LOVE][2][9] = 150;
$relation[$LOVE][2][10] = 260;
$relation[$LOVE][2][11] = 60;
$relation[$LOVE][2][12] = 275;
$relation[$LOVE][3][3] = 250; // GEMEAUX
$relation[$LOVE][3][4] = 150;
$relation[$LOVE][3][5] = 270;
$relation[$LOVE][3][6] = 90;
$relation[$LOVE][3][7] = 290;
$relation[$LOVE][3][8] = 93;
$relation[$LOVE][3][9] = 280;
$relation[$LOVE][3][10] = 130;
$relation[$LOVE][3][11] = 290;
$relation[$LOVE][3][12] = 120;
$relation[$LOVE][4][4] = 245; // CANCER
$relation[$LOVE][4][5] = 70;
$relation[$LOVE][4][6] = 280;
$relation[$LOVE][4][7] = 100;
$relation[$LOVE][4][8] = 270;
$relation[$LOVE][4][9] = 40;
$relation[$LOVE][4][10] = 260;
$relation[$LOVE][4][11] = 70;
$relation[$LOVE][4][12] = 294;
$relation[$LOVE][5][5] = 260; // LION
$relation[$LOVE][5][6] = 250;
$relation[$LOVE][5][7] = 280;
$relation[$LOVE][5][8] = 100;
$relation[$LOVE][5][9] = 285;
$relation[$LOVE][5][10] = 40;
$relation[$LOVE][5][11] = 270;
$relation[$LOVE][5][12] = 55;
$relation[$LOVE][6][6] = 250; // VIERGE
$relation[$LOVE][6][7] = 100;
$relation[$LOVE][6][8] = 275;
$relation[$LOVE][6][9] = 70;
$relation[$LOVE][6][10] = 285;
$relation[$LOVE][6][11] = 140;
$relation[$LOVE][6][12] = 260;
$relation[$LOVE][7][7] = 280; // BALANCE
$relation[$LOVE][7][8] = 30;
$relation[$LOVE][7][9] = 280;
$relation[$LOVE][7][10] = 30;
$relation[$LOVE][7][11] = 275;
$relation[$LOVE][7][12] = 50;
$relation[$LOVE][8][8] = 230; // SCORPION
$relation[$LOVE][8][9] = 15;
$relation[$LOVE][8][10] = 270;
$relation[$LOVE][8][11] = 15;
$relation[$LOVE][8][12] = 280;
$relation[$LOVE][9][9] = 290; // SAGITTAIRE
$relation[$LOVE][9][10] = 90;
$relation[$LOVE][9][11] = 275;
$relation[$LOVE][9][12] = 89;
$relation[$LOVE][10][10] = 220; // CAPRICORNE
$relation[$LOVE][10][11] = 80;
$relation[$LOVE][10][12] = 270;
$relation[$LOVE][11][11] = 280; // VERSEAU
$relation[$LOVE][11][12] = 99;
$relation[$LOVE][12][12] = 255; // POISSON
** FRIENDSHIP ******
$relation[$FRIEND][1][1] = 150; // BELIER
$relation[$FRIEND][1][2] = 120;
$relation[$FRIEND][1][3] = 250;
$relation[$FRIEND][1][4] = 100;
$relation[$FRIEND][1][5] = 200;
$relation[$FRIEND][1][6] = 40;
$relation[$FRIEND][1][7] = 270;
$relation[$FRIEND][1][8] = 200;
$relation[$FRIEND][1][9] = 290;
$relation[$FRIEND][1][10] = 190;
$relation[$FRIEND][1][11] = 250;
$relation[$FRIEND][1][12] = 50;
$relation[$FRIEND][2][2] = 170; // TAUREAU
$relation[$FRIEND][2][3] = 80;
$relation[$FRIEND][2][4] = 220;
$relation[$FRIEND][2][5] = 90;
$relation[$FRIEND][2][6] = 250;
$relation[$FRIEND][2][7] = 70;
$relation[$FRIEND][2][8] = 240;
$relation[$FRIEND][2][9] = 68;
$relation[$FRIEND][2][10] = 250;
$relation[$FRIEND][2][11] = 29;
$relation[$FRIEND][2][12] = 270;
$relation[$FRIEND][3][3] = 200; // GEMEAUX
$relation[$FRIEND][3][4] = 50;
$relation[$FRIEND][3][5] = 200;
$relation[$FRIEND][3][6] = 50;
$relation[$FRIEND][3][7] = 295;
$relation[$FRIEND][3][8] = 150;
$relation[$FRIEND][3][9] = 270;
$relation[$FRIEND][3][10] = 33;
$relation[$FRIEND][3][11] = 230;
$relation[$FRIEND][3][12] = 69;
$relation[$FRIEND][4][4] = 149; // CANCER
$relation[$FRIEND][4][5] = 35;
$relation[$FRIEND][4][6] = 285;
$relation[$FRIEND][4][7] = 80;
$relation[$FRIEND][4][8] = 220;
$relation[$FRIEND][4][9] = 40;
$relation[$FRIEND][4][10] = 290;
$relation[$FRIEND][4][11] = 19;
$relation[$FRIEND][4][12] = 290;
$relation[$FRIEND][5][5] = 180; // LION
$relation[$FRIEND][5][6] = 160;
$relation[$FRIEND][5][7] = 280;
$relation[$FRIEND][5][8] = 170;
$relation[$FRIEND][5][9] = 280;
$relation[$FRIEND][5][10] = 30;
$relation[$FRIEND][5][11] = 280;
$relation[$FRIEND][5][12] = 50;
$relation[$FRIEND][6][6] = 260; // VIERGE
$relation[$FRIEND][6][7] = 70;
$relation[$FRIEND][6][8] = 210;
$relation[$FRIEND][6][9] = 30;
$relation[$FRIEND][6][10] = 250;
$relation[$FRIEND][6][11] = 190;
$relation[$FRIEND][6][12] = 280;
$relation[$FRIEND][7][7] = 270; // BALANCE
$relation[$FRIEND][7][8] = 20;
$relation[$FRIEND][7][9] = 270;
$relation[$FRIEND][7][10] = 70;
$relation[$FRIEND][7][11] = 289;
$relation[$FRIEND][7][12] = 200;
$relation[$FRIEND][8][8] = 260; // SCORPION
$relation[$FRIEND][8][9] = 10;
$relation[$FRIEND][8][10] = 280;
$relation[$FRIEND][8][11] = 60;
$relation[$FRIEND][8][12] = 140;
$relation[$FRIEND][9][9] = 290; // SAGITTAIRE
$relation[$FRIEND][9][10] = 70;
$relation[$FRIEND][9][11] = 265;
$relation[$FRIEND][9][12] = 50;
$relation[$FRIEND][10][10] = 200; // CAPRICORNE
$relation[$FRIEND][10][11] = 40;
$relation[$FRIEND][10][12] = 267;
$relation[$FRIEND][11][11] = 290; // VERSEAU
$relation[$FRIEND][11][12] = 200;
$relation[$FRIEND][12][12] = 269; // POISSON
** WORK ************
$relation[$WORK][1][1] = 295; // BELIER
$relation[$WORK][1][2] = 210;
$relation[$WORK][1][3] = 280;
$relation[$WORK][1][4] = 10;
$relation[$WORK][1][5] = 200;
$relation[$WORK][1][6] = 130;
$relation[$WORK][1][7] = 282;
$relation[$WORK][1][8] = 120;
$relation[$WORK][1][9] = 285;
$relation[$WORK][1][10] = 90;
$relation[$WORK][1][11] = 260;
$relation[$WORK][1][12] = 19;
$relation[$WORK][2][2] = 170; // TAUREAU
$relation[$WORK][2][3] = 70;
$relation[$WORK][2][4] = 182;
$relation[$WORK][2][5] = 24;
$relation[$WORK][2][6] = 290;
$relation[$WORK][2][7] = 20;
$relation[$WORK][2][8] = 295;
$relation[$WORK][2][9] = 150;
$relation[$WORK][2][10] = 292;
$relation[$WORK][2][11] = 30;
$relation[$WORK][2][12] = 270;
$relation[$WORK][3][3] = 143; // GEMEAUX
$relation[$WORK][3][4] = 30;
$relation[$WORK][3][5] = 253;
$relation[$WORK][3][6] = 120;
$relation[$WORK][3][7] = 282;
$relation[$WORK][3][8] = 10;
$relation[$WORK][3][9] = 240;
$relation[$WORK][3][10] = 30;
$relation[$WORK][3][11] = 270;
$relation[$WORK][3][12] = 55;
$relation[$WORK][4][4] = 165; // CANCER
$relation[$WORK][4][5] = 30;
$relation[$WORK][4][6] = 240;
$relation[$WORK][4][7] = 40;
$relation[$WORK][4][8] = 230;
$relation[$WORK][4][9] = 130;
$relation[$WORK][4][10] = 270;
$relation[$WORK][4][11] = 22;
$relation[$WORK][4][12] = 286;
$relation[$WORK][5][5] = 200; // LION
$relation[$WORK][5][6] = 200;
$relation[$WORK][5][7] = 260;
$relation[$WORK][5][8] = 160;
$relation[$WORK][5][9] = 289;
$relation[$WORK][5][10] = 10;
$relation[$WORK][5][11] = 282;
$relation[$WORK][5][12] = 280;
$relation[$WORK][6][6] = 260; // VIERGE
$relation[$WORK][6][7] = 250;
$relation[$WORK][6][8] = 245;
$relation[$WORK][6][9] = 140;
$relation[$WORK][6][10] = 295;
$relation[$WORK][6][11] = 199;
$relation[$WORK][6][12] = 272;
$relation[$WORK][7][7] = 287; // BALANCE
$relation[$WORK][7][8] = 20;
$relation[$WORK][7][9] = 200;
$relation[$WORK][7][10] = 60;
$relation[$WORK][7][11] = 155;
$relation[$WORK][7][12] = 170;
$relation[$WORK][8][8] = 50; // SCORPION
$relation[$WORK][8][9] = 45;
$relation[$WORK][8][10] = 290;
$relation[$WORK][8][11] = 20;
$relation[$WORK][8][12] = 230;
$relation[$WORK][9][9] = 279; // SAGITTAIRE
$relation[$WORK][9][10] = 150;
$relation[$WORK][9][11] = 260;
$relation[$WORK][9][12] = 32;
$relation[$WORK][10][10] = 280; // CAPRICORNE
$relation[$WORK][10][11] = 160;
$relation[$WORK][10][12] = 230;
$relation[$WORK][11][11] = 199; // VERSEAU
$relation[$WORK][11][12] = 12;
$relation[$WORK][12][12] = 265; // POISSON
$sum = 0;
$iter = 0;
for ($i = 1 ; $i <= 12; $i++)
for ($j = $i; $j <= 12; $j++)
//echo '$relation['.$i.']['.$j.'] = 0;
$sum += $relation[$LOVE][$i][$j];
//echo '
echo ($sum / $iter) / 300;